Don Bosco Asia

Documents, information and news of the Salesian works of Don Bosco in Asia.

Don Bosco Hotel School

Visit the Don Bosco Hotel, a stylish hotel in Sihanoukville, Cambodia, to enjoy the bay. Recommended for business meetings

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Monday, June 27, 2011

About Sihanoukville

Sihanoukville is a city of Cambodia and the administrative center of the Sihanouk Province. The Sihanoukville Autonomous Port is the only deep sea port of the country in the Gulf of Siam, halfway between Thailand and Vietnam in the 435 kilometers of the Cambodian sea coastline. The city is the biggest urban, industrial and commercial center of the southern coastal provinces. The Sihanouk Province has an area of 2,397 kilometers sq. and a population of 181,968 inhabitants, according to 2005's statistics. 119.50 kilometers of the Cambodian coastline belong to Sihanouk that is divided in one municipality (the city itself) and three districts: Prey Nop, the second most populated urban center of the province after Sihanoukville, Stung Hav that has a minor but important sea port and Kampong Seilar. There are also 26 communes (sangkat), five of them in the city and 21 in rural areas. Sihanouk Province has 109 villages, 19 in urban and 90 in rural areas. The province was known before as Kompung Saom and many people, especially elderly, still calling it with that former name.

The Cambodians who live in Sihanouk Province are made by Khmer, Cham, Thai and Vietnamese peoples and the 85 percent of the population practices Theravada Buddhism with more than 700 Buddhist monks. The economy is made of agriculture, forestry, tourism, fisheries, industry, harbor development, navigation, nature conservation and oil exploration.

The city is located in a small peninsula and bay that is populated by several islands and islets with great coral reserves. The beaches are well appreciated for their beauty, while the sea offers of big variety of fish. The Province is also the house of the Ream National Park and the Bokor Mountain that it shares with Kompot Province at the east.

In the last decade, the Sihanouk Province has grown its importance not only as an international sea port, but also as a tourist destination due to its rich natural adventures, from sea and islands, to beaches and mountains. Several high standard hotels have been built, while backpacker visitors find in the city a good option of accommodation.

Unfortunately, the city has faced also social problems like the sexual tourism that has put at risk children and women, HIV threats and drugs. Authorities and humanitarian organizations join in Sihanoukville to protect vulnerable people.

Safe Internet in Cambodia

  • SIC is a proposal of the Don Bosco social communication section of Sihanoukville to create a safe and formative space on the Internet in Cambodia, especially for children, teenagers and young people. We appreciate the development of Information Technology like the Internet, but we think that children, teenagers and young people must know how to use it for their formation and to be protected from real dangers on the Internet like pornography, sexual abuse, online crime, Internet addiction and many other possibilities.
  • We invite other organisations (officials or NGOs) to join this campaign to build a safe online network in Cambodia.
  • We propose the creation of a logo to identified our campaign on the Internet in Cambodia. Soon we are going to publish the conditions to the creation of such logo through videos, social networks and others.


Coming soon a Cambodian and international legal collection of rules to protect children and teenagers on the Internet. If you want to include a specific norm, rule or law, please contact us.
  1. Make appointments with persons they knew through Internet.
  2. Send photos or videos through the Internet to persons that they do not know.
  3. Give personal or familiar information that can be used for their identification such as names, addresses, name of the school, the workplace of their parents or their phone numbers to unknown persons.
  4. Answer to messages that are suggestive, obscene, aggressive, or sexual harassment.
  5. Children and teenagers must learn that keep privacy on the Internet means safety.
  6. The good and safe use of Information Technology means autonomy.
  7. Internet is a tool to improve our life and formation.
  8. Children and teenagers should not accept gifts in exchange of photos or videos of them.
  1. Persons on Chats say lies.
  2. Sexual criminals like child abusers, women abusers and others, use Chats to contact possible victims.
  3. Do not give personal information to persons you do not know.
  4. Do not give the name of your school, the workplace of your parents, your phone number, to persons you do not know.
  5. Do not go to appointments with persons you knew through the Internet.
  6. Do not accept gifts from the Internet, they can be virus to damage your computer or steal data or pornography.
  7. Do not give your photo or videos to persons you do not know, they can be used to illegal activities like pornography or to make harm to you.
  8. Tell your parents, teachers or persons of your trust if you see a suspect behavior on the Internet. You can report it also to our email ( or call to this number (English) or (Khmer).
  1. If you got a new computer for your house, put it in a SOCIAL AREA... Not in too private places.
  2. Teach your children and teenagers that they must protect their passwords.
  3. Teach your children and teenagers not to share personal information with persons they do not know, information of them and information of the rest of their family.
  4. Tell the children and teenagers not to reveal the name of their school.
  5. Tell the children and teenagers to ignore emails or friend request on social networks from persons they do not know.
  6. Use the safe search on the browsers you use (Internet Explorer, Motzilla, Chromon, etc.) Look for it on the Options tools.
  7. Children must not navigate on the Internet alone.
  8. Teach the children the risks on the Internet.
  9. Teach the children the good things of the Internet.
  10. You, as parent, must know the passwords of your children (emails, social networks, Skype, etc.). It is like the key of the house.
  11. Report to the police or authorities any suspicious behavior of users on the Internet, like people who try to get information from children and teenagers, sharing pornography, trying to steal bank data, etc.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Japanese Aikido’s master to open club in Sihanoukville

Sihanoukville. Japanese Aikido’s master Kaneko Shinichi, a volunteer based in Cambodia, will give a demonstration of this Japanese martial art at the Khmer University of Technology and Management, KUTM, of the city port. Aikido means the Way of Unifying Life Energy and it is developed as a practice to self-defense and protection of others from attackers. Pradal Srey, the Cambodian martial arts, is widely practiced in the country, although some foreigner martial arts like Taekwondo are present in the Cambodian post-Khmer Rouge era. In Sihanoukville, a city without an authentic sport vocation, there is already a Taekwondo club leaded by Korean Christian groups at the Leu Market. Kaneko Shinichi is going to do his opening Aikido demonstration this Sunday at 9 AM to promote the participation of young people at his lessons with a cheap fee: 20,000 riels for Cambodians, 60,000 riels for foreigners and free for persons coming from KUTM or NGO schools. Cambodians can attend Aikido lessons on Wednesdays at 16:00, 17:00, 18:00 and 19:00, foreigners on Fridays at 16:00, 17:00, 18:00 and 19:00 and KUTM students and NGOs on Sundays at 8:00 and 9:30. Number phone for more information and

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